Carbon removal with catalytic impact

Carbon removal with catalytic impact

Carbon removal with catalytic impact

Carbon removal with catalytic impact

Lead on timely and credible climate action by catalysing the highest impact carbon projects across the globe.

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What we do

Transforming carbon removal financing

We help companies take meaningful climate action by enabling them to transform and fund high-impact carbon removal projects, particularly in the global south.

By driving catalytic financing into these projects, companies not only secure high-quality carbon credits to meet their climate goals but also help scale the efforts with lasting social and economic benefits.

Revolutionising access to carbon projects

Through long-term procurement agreements, we pool and optimise carbon budgets, allocate funds to impactful projects, and provide ongoing risk management and portfolio oversight.

We revolutionise access to capital for developers, making carbon credit investment easier and more secure while boosting inclusive financing for real-world impact.

Why carbon removal?

Why carbon removal?

Carbon credits which catalyse a market

We stand at a pivotal moment in the fight against climate change. We must undo the centuries-long impact of fossil fuels – and fast. This demands an infrastructure revolution of high-quality, scalable climate projects that rapidly remove carbon dioxide from our atmosphere.

Innovative carbon removal projects, from afforestation to biochar, face significant barriers in accessing necessary financing. The money and demand are out there — thousands of businesses, big and small, have made climate and net zero commitments but risk missing their targets if they can’t access a market ready for growth.

How we are different

Carbon budget pooling

We revolutionise access to carbon projects by pooling climate budgets to give you unrivalled access to long-term carbon removal projects, while maximising your financial and social impact.

Portfolio and risk management

We provide a diversified portfolio management approach on long-term commitments with ongoing risk management until your credits and impact are verified and delivered.

Timely and lasting impact

We combine nature-based and engineered carbon removal projects to ensure you make immediate impact on the ground, whilst also supporting scientific innovation.

Understanding impact

Driving growth and positive change

Impact, for us, means two things:

Maximising a buyer's carbon budget

Maximising a buyer's carbon budget.

Channelling funds into projects that deliver the most significant social and economic benefits to local communities and regions.

Driving impact through carbon removal projects with co-benefits not only helps mitigate emissions but also advances several of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), such as improving biodiversity, fostering sustainable communities, supporting clean water and sanitation, enhancing livelihoods and economic growth, and building resilience to climate change through climate action. Making a long lasting impact is what drives the mission behind Opna.

How we support developers

Frictionless financing for carbon projects

We help developers secure financing from buyers, driving transformative growth for their projects with long-term commitments to future carbon credits while ensuring timely, positive impacts in local communities. 

By leveraging our software and expertise, we streamline and de-risk the procurement and funding process, making it easier for developers to connect with reliable, vetted businesses.

Our project portfolio

Our project portfolio

Bespoke high impact carbon projects

Direct, tailored access to high-value, trusted carbon projects vetted by Opna and its advisory board relevant to your business objectives and net-zero goals in the areas that interest you most.

Latest news and blogs

Opna has been chosen as one of Norrsken's Impact/100, an annual list of the world's most promising impact startups

Our Founder and CEO Shilpika (Shilps) Gautam was interviewed live on Bloomberg Daybreak Europe

VCM: An essential policy guide to the Voluntary Carbon Market (VCM)

VCM: A Dummies Guide to the Voluntary Carbon Market (VCM)

Our backers



Angel investors from

Angel investors from

Ready to reach your climate goals?

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